There have been many, many times when we've joked about curing a bad day with cupcakes and kittens. Because wouldn't that just be the best? Give us a snuggly feline and a sweet treat, and we'll be fine. Well, Uber is about to make that a reality. A beautiful, beautiful reality.
To celebrate National Cat Day, Uber has teamed up with Cheezburger (our go-to cat GIF/general happiness site) and Ace of Cakes extraordinaire Duff Goldman to bring you the best day of your life. If you don't have it already, download the Uber app, and select the "KITTENS!" option any time between now and 4 p.m. today (Tuesday, October 29). For just $20, the Uber team will deliver to you a small gang of kittens — who will undoubtedly be adorable and ridiculous — and some of Goldman's cupcakes. Plus, all that money will be donated to the local ASPCA. If you find yourself attached to the kittens, you can speak with the shelter representative during the visit about taking the little fur ball home. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be ordering this right now.
No, we can't think of anything better than having kittens roam your office. Yes, we think your boss would be okay with it (though definitely ask first). If you're not fortunate enough to get in on this on-demand snuggle fest action, you can creep on other snuggle fest via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook by checking out #ICanHasUberKittens. This is obviously going to be a very popular event, so get your kittenquest (yes, that's a kitten request) out immediately. Or, you know, just send some to the R29 offices. Thanks.