Lions And Tigers And Cocktails, Oh My!

A summer day at the zoo usually involves rounding up the youngsters, piling on the sunscreen, and trudging from exhibit to exhibit with constant where'd-those-kids-run-off-to worry. In other words, it's far from the picture of tranquility when you've got children in tow.
The L.A. Zoo feels your pain, which is why they've created the adults-only Roaring Nights series, featuring live music, dancing, comedy, food trucks, and full bar service with specialty cocktails — all going down after the gates normally close. Yep, this is how you do a night at the museum zoo. So, leave the offspring at home tonight (and the next two Thursdays) to enjoy this unique, after-hours experience.
When: Thursdays, July 11, 18, and 25, 7 to 10 p.m.
Where: Los Angeles Zoo, 5333 Zoo Drive (near Crystal Springs Drive); 323-644-6042.

Photo: Via LA Zoo.


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