Even though most of our favorite editors are social media addicts (especially Vogue-ers like Meredith Melling Burke), Anna Wintour has been consistently silent on the Twitter-sphere. We're not sure if it's because she's too busy to crank out 140 characters, or if the editrix is simply too sophisticated to communicate with the masses (we reckon it's a little bit of both), but yesterday Miss Wintour finally broke. After the historic rulings overturning DOMA and Prop 8, Vogue's EIC took to Twitter to share her excitement with the world — and all of the mag's followers. "Today's rulings are a big step forward for all Americans striving to achieve equality," she said. "I couldn't be happier or more proud." She topped it off with a signature "AW," and promptly went back to work. (Telegraph)
Photo: Via Telegraph