With the influx of juice spots littering Lala, there's no shortage of healthy beverage choices. Whether you prefer your pressed juice neat, or with an extra shot of wheatgrass, no city can beat the selection in our wellness-focused City of Angels Juices.
So, the news of BluePrint setting up its premiere flagship on Abbot Kinney was followed up by a universal: "It's about damn time!". Though the bottles are available for purchase at Whole Foods and Bristol Farms, we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Venice outpost this summer. To be sure, weaving between Boulevard strollers to scope Mona Moore's new merch will be a bit more tolerable, thanks to that kick of kale, apple, ginger, romaine, spinach, cucumber, celery, parsley, and lemon (what a mix, right?).
According to our buddies at Racked, BluePrint founders Zoe Sakoutis and Erica Huss have signed a lease at 1422 Abbot Kinney. Though Gjelina is right across the street, we might say no (at least once) to the temptations of truffle pizza by snagging a summer-perfect squeeze like pineapple, apple, and mint — our fave from the makers. Trust, you'll sidestep that inevitable food coma and do your bikini bod a huge solid. Time for cleanse o'clock!
Photo: Courtesy of BluePrint