This Is What It’s Like To Be An Exorcist

For A Living documents extraordinary women thriving within unique careers. From a professional cuddler to a celebrity exorcist, we explore niche professions that women in the field are dominating. 
It's not uncommon for people to casually refer to their dream jobs as their "callings," but apparently, some jobs can actually only be done by those who were truly called to them by what seems to be a higher power. Take Rachel Stavis, who is an exorcist.
Stavis first discovered her ability to see what she calls "entity" — not demons — when she was a kid. However, she didn't start performing exorcism professionally until about a decade ago. According to Stavis, around 85% of the population is walking around with possession, and they don't even know it. Through her exorcisms, she helps release that dark energy from her clients. Though she refers to this work as her business, Stavis doesn't charge for exorcisms. "I could charge people and I could charge people a lot of money, but I don't. And the reason I don't is I want everyone who walks into this room to be equal," she explains.
Instead of a typical office space, Stavis works in what she calls a "spirit room." It is here that she uses herbs and sounds to drive entities out of her clients' bodies, as well as put high frequency back into them. The word exorcism might have dark connotations, but this particular exorcist insists "it's about healing people out of darkness. It's actually working in light."