Oh Great, The Katy Perry/Taylor Swift Feud Is Back…

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift must have officially joined the ranks of Feuds Worth Remembering — alongside Bette Davis/Joan Crawford and James Adomian/Alec Baldwin — because the myth of their failed friendship just keeps on living. Last night, American Idol brought their feud to the forefront again when a contestant told Perry that his musical idol was Taylor Swift. The contestant apologised to Perry for loving Swift.
"I'm sorry, Katy," he said. "I love Taylor Swift."
"Oh, you don't have to be sorry!" Perry replied. "I love her as a songwriter as well."
The "as a songwriter" caveat is key. Perry did not tell the contestant (whose segment did not air in full) that she loved Swift as a person — she loves Swift's talent. The optics of the situation suggest Perry and American Idol are happy to promote a feud that's supposed to have been dead. Perry said in June on the Thrive Global Podcast that she's ready to forgive Swift.
"There are bigger fish to fry, and there are real problems in the world," she told host Arianna Huffington. She added, "I love [Taylor], and I want the best for he. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter, and I think that, you know, if we, both her and I, can be representatives of strong women that come together despite their differences, I think the whole world is going to go like, ‘Yeah, well we can do this.’"
Yeah, well, we can do this! The feud doesn't need to keep popping on our news feeds — Swift, as per her new video, doesn't need backup dancers, and Perry has to host American Idol for the next few months. For now, sleeping dogs should sleep! Until, of course, Ryan Murphy is ready to adapt Perry and Swift's friendship into Feud season 10, which will air on Murphy's own personal streaming platform.

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