Can We Talk About That "Gungina" Moment On Grey's Anatomy Last Night?

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
If you've ever watched Grey's Anatomy, you know patients with very, very unique medical conditions walk into Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
Last night's Grey's episode featured a very unique injury. A patient named Danielle came into the hospital with a loaded gun in her vagina. Of course. (Naturally, the term "gungina" was coined.)
Because this is TV, the gun went off, but it wasn't the just the woman with the gun in her birth canal who was injured. Nope, the gun went off — while still inside her, and through her abdomen — shot another Grey Sloan patient in the leg.
And why, you might ask, did this woman have a gun in her vagina in the first place? You'll be disappointed by the answer — she was hiding the weapon because her boyfriend asked her to. Danielle was a prisoner, and her boyfriend thought she could sneak the gun into the prison in her vagina; she apparently didn't realise it was loaded.
Unsurprisingly, fans were pretty unsettled and confused by the gungina development.
On the one hand, this story seems pretty far-fetched. However, on the other hand, doctors have seen some pretty ridiculous things in real life. In April, BuzzFeed ran a list of things nurses have seen stuck in patients' vaginas, penises, and butts. A lot of unexpected items made the cut. A lot. The list includes a Barbie doll arm stuck in a man's urethra, as well as a toy lizard and a shower head stuck in patients' rectums. So maybe the loaded gun situation isn't as ridiculous as it seems.
Although, to be clear: Sticking a gun into your vagina (or any other bodily orifice) is NOT a good idea. Do not try this at home!
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