The Ultimate Cat Lover’s Guide To NYC

Calling all cat lovers, your time has come! A couple of us at Refinery HQ have been feeling slighted by all of the dog adoration here (and yes, well-deserved). Sure, we like a good cat fashion show as much as anyone, but when it comes to the day-to-day, certain editors may be guilty of favoring those of the canine variety. While it might be more romantic to stroll through Washington Square Park with a pooch than scoot out of your house armed with a lint roller because Chairman Meow has napped on your favorite jacket—let's face it: Owning a cat in New York City makes more sense. Small spaces and lower expenses favor felines, and there are plenty of paws around the city ready to knead their way into your heart. So, here's the New Yorker's ultimate guide to picking, pampering, and protecting his/her purring pets. Making them into LOLcats, though…that's all you.
Click through to see our top feline picks!