Never Pay For Shipping Again With This Easy Tip

There's a universal quest no smart shopper would ever deny overlooking: And that's how can one save more money? Whether it's from a promo code, seasonal sale, or newsletter coupon, we're all searching for a way to spend less whenever possible. And by the time you roll around to applying said discount, the last thing you want to face at checkout is a shipping fee. Those pesky mailing costs can make it or break it — whether you didn't meet the minimum for free shipping, or if the standard seven-business day cost is just a hair over the arbitrary amount you're willing to dish out.
Luckily, there's an unseen option that allows you to do away with shipping costs: in-store pick-up. Most popular retailers now give you the ability to waive shipping prices if you're willing to take a few extra moments to collect your purchase from one of its nearby locations. To make it even easier, they've anticipated our lazy complaints about time constraints for physically picking an item up, so there's usually a two week window they'll hold onto your package(s), starting from the day you receive a notification that it's ready (but we advise always reading the small print, just in case).
To see which of our favorite retailers are offering in-store pick-up, click ahead. Just think: Those saved shipping dollars can go right back into your wallets to fund your future shopping sprees.

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