If you're going to name your magazine Wooooo, you better have the stuff to back it up. Thankfully, Jason Crombie's quirky-cool anti-magazine delivers. We say anti because it's pocket-sized rather than mag-sized, decidedly not glossy, and reads more like a novel, despite the fact that it's filled with interviews. Agyness Deyn graces the sixth installment of this tiny, handy read, and Christopher Bollen (of V and Interview) and Aaron Rose (remember that "artist" on Gossip Girl of the same name?) are just some of the big names involved. Reading Wooooo reminds us of tucking an inspirational, beat-up book (like Jesus' Son or On the Road) in your back pocket and going for a long drive, maybe while yelling Wooooo out the window. But now our fingers are getting tired of typing the five o's, so why not pick up an issue and see for yourself?