Why The Increase In Women’s Spaces Isn’t A Trend, It’s A Much-Needed Movement

Designed by Alex Marino.
If you’ve been paying any attention to your social media feeds for the past year, then you know that women’s spaces (whether they're coworking spaces, social clubs, gyms, or other networking groups geared toward or exclusive to those who identify as female) are popping up faster than you can keep up with quickie celebrity engagements.
After centuries — make that millennia — of exclusion from public spaces that men cordoned off for themselves, it should come as no surprise that women are delighting in spaces (whether IRL or online) made just for them. But even if millennial-pink interiors make some women’s spaces an Instagram phenom, they're so much more than a trend; inside those walls, women, nonbinary, and trans people are driving political change, embracing their intrinsic power, and lifting one another up. They’re celebrating, protesting, supporting, and learning as a community, without the gaze or scrutiny of the outside world. They’re rebuilding the world for themselves — something that’s never been more necessary than it is right now.
To find out more about the unique ways these spaces are redefining the way we think of community, we partnered with Reebok, a brand that strives to uplift women, and spoke to founders of three organizations dedicated to empowering women and creating change.

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