Your Horoscope This Week: February 18 To 24

Welcome to Pisces Season, cosmic beings! After an influx of Aquarius energy having recently entered the cosmos, all zodiac signs will benefit from this four-week solar shift to the water sign of Pisces, as it helps ease our nervous systems while reminding us of the power of the present moment. 
If you’ve felt caught up in social affairs, Pisces Season encourages you to be more introspective, intuitive, loving, and open-hearted. Tuning into your own emotional needs will help you better relate to those around you, especially on the 19th when the north node conjoins with Chiron in the sign of Aries. 
On the 23rd, more watery energy enters the cosmos as Mercury, the Planet of Communication, enters Pisces for the next two weeks. Our dream life will be stimulated by this transit, so keep a dream journal by your bed to tap into your subconscious thoughts. The week ends with the Virgo full moon striking on February 24 at 7:30 a.m. EST. This is the ideal time to minimize the mess in your life and create greater structure and clarity. If you’ve been procrastinating this month, this full moon helps you get your life together.
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Pisces Season starts this week, Aries, and it activates your sector of spirituality, closure, and healing. This is your annual hibernation season, and once the north node conjoins with Chiron on your sign on the 19th, you’ll experience a deeper sensitivity to life, making you feel the urge to retreat into your own world. Follow that urge without guilt, Aries. Time alone will help you better hear and love yourself. 
On the 24th, the Virgo full moon strikes in your sector of health and service. Think back to where you were six months ago during Virgo Season. What new moon intentions did you set back then? Chances are you’ll see some or most of them manifesting around this time, or alternatively, you’ll reassess what your previous objectives were. The key is to be kind to yourself rather than overly self-critical during this potent lunation. Let go of what you’ve outgrown and make room for a fresh start.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Now that it’s Pisces Season, your sector of friendship and social networks is activated for the next four weeks, making you more social and ethereal than usual. You’re coming alive again, but you’re also feeling a sense of emotional detachment due to all the Aquarius placements in the cosmos, which could lead to you feeling like a walking contradiction. A part of you wants connection, and another part of you wants to be left alone. 
The Virgo full moon on the 24th provides you with the ideal opportunity to reconcile these contrasting parts of your nature. It takes place in your sector of fun, fate, and creativity, encouraging you to take yourself and life less seriously. This may be easier said than done though, since Virgo energy tends to be serious in nature. But with the sun in the opposing sign of Pisces, you’ll realize that as you let go of your need to be in control, your life becomes more spontaneous and adventurous, and that’s exactly what you need right now. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Happy Pisces Season, Gemini! Having the sun travel through a fellow mutable sign allows you to let your artistic and creative side emerge. You’ll also be feeling inspired professionally, making this season an ideal time to take leaps of faith if you’ve been wanting to switch up your career path. The more you listen to your intuition and trust it, the more blissful you’ll feel, even if you don’t immediately see the rewards. Keep in mind that Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, will enter your sign on May 25, so patience is a virtue as you manifest your dreams. 
Speaking of manifesting, with your planetary ruler Mercury entering Pisces on the 23rd, following by the Virgo full moon (also ruled by Mercury) striking on the 24th, this weekend is all about vividly visualizing your ideal reality, and removing whatever blockages exist that keep you from making that reality come true. Take it step by step.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Pisces Season helps you come alive, Cancer, as it activates your sector of long journeys, media, publishing, and expansion. If you’ve been wanting to go on a trip somewhere, this is definitely the time to plan it or embark on it. You’re seeking mental and physical stimulation, and the same-old, same-old lifestyle simply won’t cut it for you. If you can’t yet travel far, you’ll travel through the new books you read, the foreign cuisine you eat, or the alternative music you listen to, particularly once Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd and further stimulates this part of your chart. 
This weekend, the Virgo full moon harmonizes with your Cancer nature and activates your communication sector. Think back to where you were during Virgo Season six months ago. Chances are you had something on your mind that you were working to formulate and express, be it a creative project or a romantic yearning. Now, six months later, you’ll feel more confident and capable of carefully and clearly speaking your truth. Just make sure you’re not attached to your expectations of how others should respond to it.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, now that it’s Pisces Season, you’re being asked to be more in tune with your emotions, and to not push them away. Your sector of depth, intimacy, and merging is activated by this energy, and whatever you’ve been running away from psychologically is likely to catch up to you this week. If you can, keep your schedule light and make more time for being present with nature, as you’ll better hear the inner whispers of your heart. 
This weekend’s Virgo full moon lights up your sector of money and security, allowing you to evaluate your earning and spending habits from the past six months and make the necessary adjustments. You may suddenly get an epiphany regarding ways to streamline your life in order to do less, but make more. If you’ve had too much on your plate lately, this Virgo full moon will gently guide you toward ways to decrease the pressure and create greater ease.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Now that it’s Pisces Season, your mind is on love and intimacy, Virgo. Your sector of partnership and marriage is activated for the next four weeks, and you find it easier to let down your guard and remain optimistic about what’s possible for you romantically. If you’re already boo’d up, use this season to express your admiration and appreciation for your partner(s), and be open to receiving their words of praise, too. If you felt underwhelmed during Valentine’s Day last week, this week’s sensual and loving energy may very well make up for it. 
The highlight of the week takes place on Saturday 24 when the full moon strikes in your sign. You’ll feel the energy from this full moon as soon as the week begins, as it’s activating your sector of self-identity and purpose. Prepare to feel strong inner sensations as you evaluate all that you’ve accomplished since the Virgo new moon occurred six months ago. The key is to celebrate your growth, even if it took place via baby steps. Instead of immediately trying to move on to the next accomplishment, spend the weekend being still with yourself, honoring how valuable you are. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, Pisces Season’s energy activates your sector of service, wellness, and routine for the next four weeks. If you’ve been wanting to help out those less fortunate than you, this is one of the best periods of the year for intentionally doing so. The key is to not overextend yourself though… Do not lend out or gift money to people if you don’t actually have the capacity to do so. It’s essential to set boundaries in a loving way this week, or else you can end up emotionally drained. 
The Virgo full moon on the 24th is a further reminder of your need to scale back when it comes to what you give to others. Your spirituality sector is activated by this full moon, which could lead to you feeling psychologically triggered by people’s actions or the perception you have of them. You may not be in as much of a social mood as the week comes to an end, so if you can, spend time journaling your feelings and nursing any wounds that may emerge. This too shall pass. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

You’ve already accomplished several milestones this year, Scorpio — many of them behind the scenes. Now that it’s Pisces Season, the universe wants you to make time to indulge in pleasure, play, and self-discovery. Your sector of fate, true love, and creativity is stimulated by the sun’s presence in Pisces these next four weeks, making this an ideal time to go on dates, let your imagination run wild, and have more fun. 
Once the full moon in Virgo strikes on the 24th, you’ll have greater clarity regarding who you want to keep around you during this next phase of your life. The full moon is activating your sector of friendship and social networks, and since full moons represent closure, chances are that any unstable or unhealthy friendship dynamics will disintegrate around this time. Friendship breakups can be painful, but they don’t have to be dramatic or nasty. Use the Aquarius energy in the cosmos to learn how to peacefully detach from what doesn’t feel right to you, without making a huge deal about it.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, now that the sun is in your fellow mutable sign of Pisces for the next four weeks, you’re feeling intuitively pulled to slow your roll, meditate, and be still. Your sector of home, security, and your roots is activated by the sun’s transit through Pisces, and after the overstimulating energy of Aquarius Season you’d benefit from letting your homebody side take over, even if it initially surprises people who are used to your social butterfly side being front and center. 
The Virgo full moon on the 24th squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Sagittarius nature, asking you to confront your career path in an honest and practical way. You may have put too much on your plate lately, leading to you not giving your work projects the proper attention they deserve. It’s time to honestly assess what you have the capacity to successfully complete, and what you may need to put on the back burner for now. Choose sustainability over the glitz and glam of it all. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, the sun’s transit through Pisces these next four weeks activates your sector of communication and creativity. This is one of the best periods of the year for letting your inner child take the lead and do whatever their imagination has been wanting to do. Sign up for that improv class. Start painting or writing poetry. Sing in the shower using your shampoo bottle as your mic. Let loose and view the world as your playground. Mercury’s entrance into Pisces on the 23rd further stimulates your need to indulge in life’s wonders, so do your best to leave your workaholism behind. 
This weekend’s Virgo full moon occurs in your sector of travel, expansion, and media. If you’ve been working on a publishing project (such as an album, a screenplay, or a presentation), you’re likely to near completion within four days of the 24th. Chances are you’ve been working on this behind the scenes for the past six months or more, so your mission is to allow yourself to be seen and publicly celebrated, without minimizing or downplaying your accomplishments. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Your birthday season has come and gone, Aquarius, but this week will still feel quite Aquarius-like since Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto are all still in your sign. The energy of the sun’s transit through Pisces helps soften your approach to connection and communication. Your sector of money and security is activated, helping you identify what your core values are as you step into this new phase of your life. Spend time near the water, as this will help deepen your own intuitive insights and make it easier to strategize, particularly when it comes to financial decisions you must make. 
Once Mercury leaves your sign on the 23rd and enters Pisces, followed by the Virgo full moon occurring on the 24th, you’ll notice your thoughts getting increasingly more profound and esoteric. This weekend’s an ideal time for studying your birth chart, getting a tarot reading, or exploring numerology. The universe is constantly sending you signs and symbols for you to tap into, and this is the time to be present in order to decode your messages coming from the cosmos and your own subconscious mind.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

This first full week of Pisces Season will feel energizing and emotionally stimulating for you, Pisces. Happy solar return! You’re currently the cosmic favorite, so get clear on what you’re asking the cosmos for, and be prepared to receive it. At the same time, since Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto are all still traveling through Aquarius and activating your sector of spirituality and healing, you may not be feeling like the life of the party just yet — and that’s okay. 
Find a balance between celebrating yourself and being present with any grieving process you may still be undergoing, especially since Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, is currently in your sign, teaching you to be present with life’s hardships rather than trying to numb yourself from them. 
This weekend, Mercury enters your sign on the 23rd, and the Virgo full moon strikes in your partnership sector on the 24th. This may lead to you either making up with someone you love, or breaking up with someone you’re no longer a vibrational match with. Your relationships become more of a priority for you under this lunation, and you’re encouraged to face the truth fully and not bury your head in the sand. Have the difficult yet necessary conversations that will lead to you feeling seen, heard, and free.

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