The hectic holidays are finally coming to a close. We hung stockings, ate like pigs, and got some gifts that were, well, not what we wanted. If you're not sure what to do with that ceramic flamingo, or any other thanks-but-no-thanks gifts you may have received, head on down to The Warby Parker Holiday Spectacle Bazaar tomorrow — it's for a good cause!
DJ AndrewAndrew and eyewear superstars, Warby Parker, will be taking your unwanted holiday gifts, and will donate them to those in need, through Housing Works. In return, you'll get a handmade and a glass of Prosecco. Want even more? New York hat boutique, Yestadt Millinery, will be selling its merch too, and customers can either get monogramming or have their New Year's resolution sewn on any chapeau purchase, for free. There's also a special hat-making event from 2-6 p.m. which you don't want miss because, hello, how often do you get to make your own hat? This event is one day only, so forget whatever else you were planning on doing tomorrow — this is your itinerary now.
When: Friday, December 30, 2 p.m to 7 p.m.
Where: The Warbly Parker Holiday Spectacle Bazaar, 45 Grand Street (between West Broadway and Thompson streets); no phone.
Photo: Courtesy of Bradbury Lewis