This year's Schiaparelli and Prada exhibit at the Met brought out 339,838 people. Sounds like a lot, right? Well, not if you compare it to the 661,509 visitors McQueen's "Savage Beauty" turned out just a year ago. True, the McQueen show's Mecca-like status came from the outpouring of love from fans after the designer's suicide, but all-in-all, this year's waning numbers show that the Schiap and Prada set-up just didn't click as much for the viewers. Co-curator Andrew Bolton understands, "We deliberately wanted to do something more high-concept and more intellectual than an emotional experience. We also wanted to focus on designers who are able to marry their conceptualism with practicality."
Perhaps the museum was distancing itself from the emotion of last year to give the institution due gravitas and provoke thought, not tears, at the exhibit's close. Either way, as the threads left the Met for the last time, we're more than glad we got the chance to peep it, but also excited to see what's still to come. What say you? Click through to check out the stats and cast a vote. (Huffington Post)

Photo: Via Fashionista