5 Things To Know This AM — Apr 04 2012

Epic book-signing alert! Former papparazzo (and enemy of Marlon Brando), Ron Galella will be signing copies of his new book Paparazzo Extraordinare! this Thursday at Bookmarc. Be sure to grab your own copy and a moment with the famous photog. (Bookmarc)
This new app uses logos of popular restaurants, drug stores, and other shopping destinations to help you make it around the city (because, really, what else do you look up on Google maps?). Take a left at AT&T and if you hit Papa John's, you've gone too far! (Brokelyn)
Jenna Lyons calls her doppleganger "a smart girl," but insists she didn't cast her in the J.Crew fall show just because they look alike. Don't be modest, Jenna — if we looked like you, we would do the same! (The Cut)
A new law would make operating elevators without a license illegal, therefore freaking us out making us a little nervous about our current elevator technicians. (Gothamist)
Spring cleaning has never been easier. Buffalo Exchange opened its fourth New York location last Saturday, giving us the final push we've been needing to clean out our closets... and to pick up a few gems along the way. We deserve it for making it through such a harsh winter. (Racked NY)

Photo: Courtesy of Marc Jacobs International