Arguably a lot of art is reappropriation in one form or another. But now it's ILLEGAL? Find out what happens when one of the biggest names in contemporary art, Richard Prince, faces lawsuit. Chelsea galleries beware! (New York Times)
Sex good. HPV bad. Condoms good. Promiscuity bad. A new study shows that young girls who choose the HPV vaccine are more likely to practice safer sex, like using condoms. (Gothamist)
Sick of street performers on the subway? Watch out for this street dance crew "Zilla March." Though not demanding any of your hard-earned pennies, these guys perform "flexing," a kind of bone-breaking, contortionist move from where else? Brooklyn, baby! (Boing Boing)
Christmas is oh-ver and a long winter is upon us. But think again when reaching for that fur, PETA might just name you "Grinch of the Year" as they just dubbed Janet Jackson for continually wearing fur despite their please to stop. (NY Mag)
Guard your iPhones! Operation Take Back is NYPD's citywide crackdown on stolen Apple gear, namely the ever desirable iPhones and iPads. We know you would never purchase them from a dubious character in an alleyway but now there's more of a reason to do something when you see something. (Animal NY)

Photo: VIa New York Times