What type of beauty girl are you—minimal on the makeup, obsessed with skincare, all about hair, or a tried-and-true beauty junkie?
"I am a blend of 'minimal on the makeup' and 'obsessed with skincare.' I think these two go hand-in-hand. Since I'm not into wearing a ton of makeup, I focus on keeping my skin tone looking fresh."

Is there a makeup or hair look you think should be retired, or, on the flip side, one that should be resurrected?
"Panda eyes need to retire."

What do you think your beauty look will be when you're 70?

Do you switch your makeup looks depending on how you wear your hair?
"Nope, but my hair and makeup is definitely influenced by my ensemble."

Where do you get your makeup and hair inspirations? Do you have any icons?
"I am completely inspired by street style and the runway. For all things makeup and hair, my go-to beauty blog is Into The Gloss."

What's something you'd NEVER try in the beauty realm?
"Plastic surgery. It's not my thing."