We're not crazy about having to hit the books (unless the book has some sort of Christian Grey character involved), but when we heard about Poetry Teachers NYC, we kind of changed our tune. This just-opened school (the first of its kind), helmed by poetess extraordinare, Megan DiBello, is making a big first impression with its debut class "Three Wines, Three Poets."
The overall curriculum will provide workshop classes with some of the most knowledgable voices in NYC, covering essentials like how to fine-tune your skills and getting your work out there and published. Luckily, DiBello's not alone — she's recruited a team of dedicated writers and thinkers alike, plus tapped vino vender Brooklyn Winery (yes, you can drink in class!) and local brands like Queens77 and Mintage, who will be helping the professors get their wardrobe on, meaning they will be as well-dressed as they are well-versed. Poetry Teachers NYC is hitting the ground running just after Thanksgiving, with a FREE Faculty reading on November 28, followed by a wine tasting/poetry class on December 5. (Spoiler alert: One of the three teachers is actually our very own New York editor and poetry enthusiast, Annie Georgia Greenberg.) The best part? You've still got time to sign up for the four-part program... or just one workshop, if you'd rather take it slow.
Register for the classes here and get ready to release your inner James Franco, uh we mean Billy Collins.
Photo: Courtesy of Milk and Roses