If you head to the nail salon for 20 minutes of uninterrupted me-time (oh, and to also get a fresh coat of paint), you won't be surprised to find out, upon arrival, that (drumroll please), pretty much other woman on the planet had the same idea. What is surprising, however, is the variety of different ways in which we all use this time to kick back.
Recently, Bloomberg Businessweek asked six NYC nail salons about the different types of customers they see, and how each group responds to the relaxation brought on by the gentle (and surprisingly intimate) touch of their hands and feet.
Not surprising: Most women just want to zone out, and your esthetician doesn't really want to deal with a raucous and tipsy bridal party. More surprising: Some couples go to get their tootsies buffed together and, er, end up buffing each other right there in their chairs. Awkward!
Click here to check out the story, and let us know below what kind of salon customer you are. Does all of that pampering make you spill your deepest, darkest secrets to your manicurist, or are you busy responding to emails with your one free hand? Or maybe you just pass out completely and have to have the manicurist come and shake you awake? Not that we're speaking from experience here, or anything.... (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Photo: Via Bloomberg Businessweek