It's old news that the perpetually-broken MTA is considering adding ads to our metrocards, but now Brooklyn-based consultancy Mayday Mayday Mayday wants to use them to turn the city into a puzzle. In their plan, advertisers would use the card's back to share their full message, while the front would feature a highly zoomed-in piece of a larger image, and using it like a key, customers would fit their piece of the image into the ad. City-wide scavenger hunt? We're down! (The Atlantic)
Budding Condé Nast-ers, sneak some whimsy into your career search! Elizabeth Street's paper doll coloring station with cut-outs from Florio Kasouf's fashion-centric novel Sophie and the City, are up for download on their site –– crayons not included! (Elizabeth Street)
'Art and Survival' is the newest shop to join the Park & Bond suite. In it, you'll find Gilt exclusives from our dream boyfriend's favorite brands, Ruell and Ray & Cause and Effect. Scour away! (Park & Bond)
Smithsonian Magazine's Museum Day Live is in it's 8th year, and it's happening September 29th! Museum-goers take note: this is the best day ever. Just head to their site to download tickets for free admission for two people to participating museums –– Morgan Library anyone? (Smithsonian)
On August 11th, the New Museum will be screening Andy Warhol's film, Since, whose title refers to the phrase “since the assassination,” i.e., the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The footage reenacts that fateful day in Dallas, and follows events up to LBJ's swearing in ceremony. (The New Museum)

Photo: Via The Atlantic