The entire spectrum of patchwork paraphernalia usually falls on the "Do Not Want" side of fashion. From quilted "Little House on the Prairie" skirts to those awful leather bags pieced together with varying shades of swamp-brown, patchwork as a print usually has us fleeing for the hills. However, a slew of fashionable ladies have been picking up vintage coats that look like they were made from the fur of some Seussian animal. The boho cover-up can look hot in a Stevie Nicks kind of way, but one too many colored tufts can turn you into a Muppet. So what's the deal with patchwork fur? Is the furry topper a delight or a fright?
Above, from left: Street Style, image via StreetStylings; Karla Deras, image via Karla's Closet.

Above: A fuzzy Aurel Schmidt and friend.
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