Is It Us, Or Is The Biggest Apple Store In The World An iSore?

We're not exactly running to see the largest Apple store in the world, coming soon to Grand Central, although we're pretty darn curious how all those iPads and a massive Genius Bar could fit in there (you know, without cramping the style of thousands of city commuters). Thankfully it didn't require a subway trip to get the first glimpse of the new Apple home, set to open officially this Friday at 10 a.m.— we got the first (pretty-blah) peek into the highly anticipated iMegaStore (our name, not theirs, guys) on Gothamist this morning. And while we appreciate that Grand Central looks, well, about the same, we're sorta thinking that it makes the Macs and red-shirted staff look a little out of place in their new home. At least next time we're on the way to CT and forget our ipods, we know where to go. What do you think— genius or too gargantuan? (Gothamist)

Photo: Via Gothamist