How To Stay Healthy In College — Without Stressing Yourself Out

Photographed by Kurtz-Christy.
If you're leaving home for college right now, chances are you're so ready to be free from your parents and out on your own — but the thing is, it's only a matter of time before you'll start to miss your parents' nagging. For example, do you know where you're supposed to go when you get sick? Or how to assemble healthy, balanced meals for yourself? Probably not, because there are a lot of other things going on in your life, and picking out the perfect twin XL duvet for your room is way more fun than dealing with your health.
"It’s natural that when you’re adjusting to a new set of independence and responsibilities, you forget some things you were taught," says Chanelle Coble-Sadaphal, MD, an adolescent pediatrician who works with college-age people at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone. "And really, it’s a time to learn what it is you need, and how to make those choices for yourself."
It's okay if you have questions about your how to be an adult, but your health is super important to ensuring you have a positive college experience. Ahead are seven pressing issues — from the "Freshman 15" to how to deal with homesickness — with answers from experts. And for everything else, just call the people who raised you, or your resident assistant.

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