While we've been granted a brief reprieve from the blistering heatwave, the temps are slated to rise again next week. Do yourself (and your closet) a favor by hitting up Honey in the Rough's sale, going on now. Spring merchandise is 50-70% off, which means that breezy, office-appropriate dresses by Antipodium, Tsumori Chisato, and Samantha Pleet are all up for grabs at pretty price points. They're also doling out some artful beaded jewelry and swanky beauty products, and if you order online, Honey in the Rough will throw a free Uslu nailpolish in with your order while supplies last, just because. Sounds like a great deal, if you ask us.
Where: Honey in the Rough, 161 Rivington Street (between Suffolk and Clinton streets); 212-228-6415.

Photo: Via Honey in the Rough.