5 Cool Outfits From Instagram That’ll Make You Think Twice About All-Black

When there's less sunlight to go around, we gravitate toward our winter uniform: all-black everything. And, while we'd never knock the convenience of a monochrome outfit, it's time to give another shade on the spectrum some love. Ahead, our favorite trendsetters show us how to give gray new life.
Nifesimi of Skinny Hipster shows us just how chic light gray can look with navy pumps.
Lisa Dengler is ready for the chill with her cozy coat and plaid scarf.
West Coasters, take notes from Alicia Lund on dressing for the California fall. No tights needed — but a sweatshirt is good, just in case.
Sometimes, like Tee shows us, a beanie is all you need to complete an outfit.
Paula Ordovás of Peep Toes brightens her knit suit with a yellow trench — proof that you don't have to give up all color just 'cause it's fall.

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