Above: Some of the R29 crew posed for a barefoot group shot; From left, Kristian Laliberte, Anna Plaks, Philippe von Borries, Piera Gelardi, Jamie Sand-Goldberger, Connie Wang, Lauren Blake.
We've done it, now so can you! Spread the word: Today, it's time to put away your spring booties and let your toes-ies breathe for a day in support of TOMS' 4th Annual One Day Without Shoes. If you haven't heard of TOMS, for every pair of shoes this charitable brand sells, they donate another new pair to a child in need. By going barefoot, you're helping TOMS help raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child's life. The harsh reality is that millions of children around the world still grow up without footwear, putting them at risk for infections and diseases that would otherwise be preventable. This worldwide event allows you to join in TOMS' worthy cause against such abject shoeless-ness. Trust us, we did it here at the office, and elicited tons of stares at our corner deli—when dirty soles and looks got us complaining, we imagined just how much worse it could be. Try it out, encourage your office mates, tell your friends—sometimes actions do speak louder than words.
Interested? There's an app that explains it all: the new One Day Without Shoes mobile app, available on iPhone and Droid, enables users to share pics instantaneously, listen to a soundtrack to start you off on your barefoot adventures, check out ODWS merchandise, and more. Log on here to get the latest updates, download an event tool kit to create and join events in your area, and see what others around the world are doing on April 5, and check out the video below!