We love animals. We love Vogue. So when Vogue rounds up their most memorable animal editorials, our heads explode. (Vogue)
Another time lapse video of New York City. What? We can't help it if our city is is awesome. (Animal NY)
Tina Fey chatted with the ladies of The View yesterday, and all she kept talking about was the imminent end of 30 Rock. Is this a sign of the apocalypse? (Flavorwire)
Strange things can happen on the subway, but we couldn't believe our eyes when we saw this! Turns out, it was just an art performance, and not someone in a rush to start dinner. (Gothamist)
This is not our idea of a joke. The World Financial Center was evacuated yesterday. Why? Someone decided to mail in a toy grenade. Seriously, not cool. (Huffpo)

Photo: Via Vogue