Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz gets down and dirty to prove just how dangerous a Four Loko can be. He drank 2.5 cans. Seems alike someone just wanted to get a little "Loko" while he still can... (Huffington Post)
Letterman begs Jay Z for the deets on scoring some crack. (Animal New York)
Baby fat: Bethenny Frankel is making baby clothes that say "Future Skinnygirl" across the top. Might as well make a shirt that says "Future Complex" on it. (Jezebel)
The horror! It is one thing to lose your keys or your cell phone on a big night out but losing a diamond brooch is particularly upsetting, especially if you are Karl Lagerfeld and attending the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards (which means its a really, really nice and expensive brooch...). Thank God for photog Neil Rasmus! (New York Post)
Time to start decking the windows (and halls)! Even though Thanksgiving is still a week away, NY stores have already unvieled their spirited windows. Check 'em! (The Cut)