The Best Beauty DIYs For A Valentine’s Day Night In

Prefer an at-home pedi to a candlelit dinner? An exfoliation mask to a walk along the beach? You're not alone, beauty-loving friends. We applaud your devotion to your craft, and — even on what's supposedly the most romantic night of the year — we say, embrace it. Because who deserves your Valentine's Day lovin' more than you?
That said, in the spirit of using V-Day as a chance to carve out some time with your number one (that's you), we've rounded up six of the very best beauty DIYs around — all of which can be accomplished in the comfort of your own home (and pajama pants, as the case may be).
So, sit back, relax, and get ready to DIY your way to the best Valentine's Day ever. Because anyone who says true love is the only thing that makes you glow hasn't tried these beauty treatments.

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Eye De-Puffer
It's no coincidence Valentine's Day falls on a Friday this year — it's almost as though this tutorial from The Beauty Department was made for a post-workweek night in. DIY your own eye de-puffing pads for a totally wallet-friendly way to combat dark circles and baggy, swollen eyes.
Sephora Soft Touch Cotton Pads, $4, available at Sephora.
Exfoliating Hand Scrub
Winter cold has left our hands looking more reptilian than human lately (read: scaly, dry, and itchy), so to say this DIY hand-softener recipe is much needed would be an understatement. Not only is this video tutorial crazy easy, but a joy to watch. If only sloughing off dead skin could always be such a pretty process!
Makeup Remover Wipes
It seems like no matter how often we buy makeup-remover wipes, we're perpetually in a state of almost running short. So, it only makes sense that we learn to DIY our own in case of an emergency shortage. Lucky for us all, Beautylish has shown us how in just four easy steps. Talk about a valentine for your skin.
Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo and Wash, $5.50, available at Burt's Bees.
Pore Strips
Pore strips. Are. Awesome. (If only because some gross part of us gets great satisfaction from the instantaneous, if not slightly jarring, results of a sebaceous filament-filled strip post-application.) But, since Michelle Phan's famed vid on self-made strips has over 9 million views and counting, it's clear we're not the only ones with this oddball obsession.
Scalp Treatment
Though scalp care may not be the most glamorous of beauty endeavors, it's definitely one of the most important. Brought to you by xoVain, this DIY treatment is like a spa day for your scalp: You'll be left with a happier, healthier, less flake-prone head of hair. Can your friends say that about their V-Day plans? Didn't think so.
Chocolate Face Mask
Nothing says you're over the pomp and circumstance of Valentine's Day like having your chocolate in face-mask form. This vlogger uses a bar of solid chocolate, but considering the season, we'd suggest picking up some chocolate hearts in bulk at your local drugstore. (Bonus points if you can hold out until February 15 to take advantage of those post-V-Day candy markdowns.)

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