If you were a fan of Aldous Snow in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, then we know you're bojangling about
Get Him To The Greek
, the movie giving us Russell Brand's reincarnation of that crazy rocker. To celebrate, Diesel:U:Music and Universal Pictures are teaming up tonight to celebrate the raucous comedy with a window display and party at their NYC flagship store, 5th Avenue Planet. Meet the film's stars, Brand and Jonah Hill, listen to interviews with E!'s Ben Lyons, score limited-edition t-shirts, and be in the running to win screening passes and a $1,000 Diesel gift certificate. The big vitrines will have live models and balls, just guess how many balls are in the window pit to grab the grand prize. Even if you don't win, peep the cute boys, and...wait for it....drink for free from the giant margarita machine. You might just wake up to the croonings of Mr. Snow himself (and we're not sure if that's getting lucky or not).
Tonight, May 19th, 5-7p.m.
Diesel Planet
685 5th Avenue (at 54th Street); 212-755-3555