Taking style tips from Mayor Bloomberg is kind of like taking financial advice from MC Hammer. Well, not exactly, but you get it. Though, he actually looks pretty hip(ster) in the Warby Parker frames he wore yesterday to discuss how NYC is start-up friendly. Hmm...start-ups, round sunglasses, this is seeming all too...San Francisco? With Bloomie behind the Warby specs, he's really bringing his point about New York becoming a mecca for new business, well, home.
The most startling part about the glasses, though, is definitely that they are not real. This means he's sporting the look only for the style points. Are you into that? We really do think he looks pretty studly fresh, so about that MC Hammer thing, maybe we take that back.
Weigh in on the mayor's new look below, and tell us if you're into how he's running things —stylishly, that is.

Photo: Via Gawker