Looks like Fashion Week is off to a tense start if the Imitation show was any indicator. Apparently designer Tara Subkoff and model Lydia Hearst verbally duked it out minutes before the show began. (Styleite)
Is Kobe Bryant the latest basketball star to try and get in on the fashion game? Look out Amar’e! (Page Six)
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 nears, Gawker looks at all the tacky crap people have made in an attempt to commercialize a tragedy. Simply put, this makes us feel yucky. (Gawker)
Don't call him a hero! Turns out Ryan Gosling is actually a little embarrassed about the viral video that shows him breaking up a fight on Saint Marks. (Huffington Post)
Artist Jay Shields, who has established the Metropolitan Etiquette Authority, really, REALLY doesn't want to see your underwear. Please and thank you. (ANIMAL)