We love kooky celebrity trends as much as the next US Weekly-obsessed girl, but sometimes we find ourselves reading these things with furrowed brows and a "what the?!" look on our face. This is kind of what played out when we heard about GOOP queen Gwyneth Paltrow's latest anti-aging treatment: the snake venom facial.
Apparently the thing that protects snakes from dangerous enemies also has a Botox-like effect on the skin. Want to treat yo' self to Gwynnie's fave beauty luxury? At just $450 a pop, us plebeians can also score some deadly venom for our own anti-aging needs.
Not really down with smearing cobra spit on your visage? Sonya Dakar's brilliant Skincare Ultraluxe-9 Age Control Complex uses a synthetic agent called "synake," which replicates the effects of actual snake venom by temporarily inhibiting muscle activity, smoothing and preventing wrinkles. Dakar's version does the trick without the ick factor or the assault on your wallet.
Where do you fall on the snake venom scale: real, synthetic, or hell to the no?
Sonya Dakar Skincare Ultraluxe-9 Age Control Complex, $185, available at Sonya Dakar.