This Taurus Season, Treat Yourself

Photographed by Megan Madden.
If Aries season was all about going, going, going, Taurus season will be all about taking it easy. On April 19, the Sun will leave the sign of the ram and enter into the sociable sign of the bull, bringing us a more relaxed vibe to the world around us. Taurus is also a true material gworl, so let yourself indulge in the riches of life for the next month — it's time to treat yourself.
Besides wanting to make a dent in our bank accounts, Taurus season will have us feeling determined and motivated — a blessing for those of us who have been dealing with brain fog and laziness lately. "You'll follow through with your routines easily and tend to act more patient," says Iva Naskova, astrologer at Nebula. "It also reminds us to take things at our own pace and to stop and smell the roses." Taurus loves to sit back, relax, and enjoy the sun, so give yourself the space to chill for the next month.
Having that extra me-time will be imperative, because Taurus season is also accompanied by another important astrological event: eclipse season. "Eclipses are the universe’s tools to bring change in our lives, so we can expect doors to open and close during the entirety of the month," says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. The first of the season happens on April 30, with the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, which Montúfar says will bring "all sorts of beautiful gifts our way."
On the very same day of the eclipse, Venus in Pisces will be sitting right next to Jupiter and Neptune. "This rare combination reads as a super-positive good omen, bringing romantic and money-making opportunities for many of us," Montúfar says. She adds that this may very well be the most positive lunation and eclipse of the entire year. Astrologer Stephanie Campos agrees, saying, "This is a day to make magic, to call in your wildest dreams, and take action toward your heart's wildest desires." Take chances on this day — the outcome might just surprise you.
The second eclipse of Taurus season — the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 — however, isn't all sparkles and rainbows. "The luminaries will be in a T-square configuration with Saturn and asteroid Vesta in Aquarius, bringing cold endings and karmic adjustments with it," says Montúfar. Karma isn't always a bad thing, as long as you're able to come to terms with your previous actions.
On May 5, the Sun will conjunct Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, in Taurus. "This is a very changeable and unpredictable aspect on the world stage and in our personal lives," says Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at "Uranus is all about freedom and we may break away from something at this time. It could be a day to try something new and different, or alternatively it could be a restless day full of changes that make it hard to focus depending on how you experience this energy."
The chaotic vibes continues when Mercury goes retrograde on May 10 in Gemini. "This will add to the unpredictable energy of this month," Montúfar says. Think of the classic Rx mishaps: technology issues, communication problems, misunderstandings — although tough, it's nothing we haven't survived before. And there is a glimmer of hope. "Luckily, Mercury rules Gemini, which will keep the trickster planet happy as it moves backwards," says Montúfar.
One more date to look out for is May 13, when the Sun aligns with the North Node of Destiny in Taurus. "This is an extremely magical time in which we will be able to manifest our desires and bring them to fruition," says Lisa Stardust, author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck. "When the sun aligns with the North Node, it gives us a bigger than life vibe that makes us feel magnanimous. Pay attention to who you meet on that day and what manifests throughout the day."
There are a few bumps in the road this Taurus season, but it's nothing to be too concerned about. If you lean into the true essence of the sign of the bull — relaxation, art, beauty, indulgence — you'll be sure to make it out on the other side more calm, cool, and collected than ever before.

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