Any bargain shopper will tell you that one of the best money-saving tips is buying in bulk. Usually, that means a 2-for-1 order on Amazon or a Saturday morning trip to Costco, but right now, you can save just by shopping at your local Target. This week — that's February 24th through 29th — fill your handcart with $20 worth of any hair products and you'll be rewarded with a $5 Target gift card.
Anyone who's happened through the Target hair-care aisle knows it's almost too easy to swiftly drop $20 on a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and the curl cream your co-worker has been raving about. However, if you're making a trip this week and looking for the most strategic way to score a gift card, we recommend trying some of the newest innovations.
For example, Kristin Ess recently released a line designed for curls that's already earning 5-star reviews. Or, if you're in the market for something volumizing, try Odele's buzzy new sulfate-free line. Pantene also has a new look, in the form of its Waterless Collection, with styling products that will make your hair look and smell like you stepped out of the shower, even if it's been more than a few days since your last shampoo. With deals like this, who needs bulk shopping?
At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.
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