These Celebrities Are Lining Up To Join The #YangGang In 2020

Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images.
In the last-minute scramble for press and among the 2020 Democratic candidates in the lead up to the Iowa caucus on Monday, did anybody have ‘Ken Bone endorses Andrew Yang’ on their bingo card?
Bone — the besweatered and formerly ‘undecided’ voter who went viral during the 2016 election after he asked a question during a televised debate town hall — announced in a video posted to Twitter on Sunday that he considered himself part of the Silicon Valley entrepreneur’s “#YangGang” movement.
"You guys know I don't endorse candidates,” Bone wrote. “Except for when I do. I'm fully on board, #YangGang all the way! Iowa, we need you. Tomorrow at 6:30 we can make this a caucus to remember!" 
While Yang has struggled to gain traction in the polls — and among women — and failed to meet the 5 percent popularity threshold required to qualify for the January Democratic debate, he has still received the support of several prominent celebrities in recent months. As the primary process gets underway in earnest, we’ve rounded up some of Yang’s most prominent endorsements to date.

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