Paris Jackson Enters Treatment Facility For Emotional Health, Reports

Photo: Theo Wargo/Getty Images.
On Tuesday night, Paris Jackson reportedly entered a treatment center to manage her emotional health and physical wellbeing. A source told Entertainment Tonight that the 20-year-old singer and actress "decided that she needed to take some time off to reboot, realign and prioritize her physical and emotional health. She checked herself into a treatment facility to aid in her wellness plan."
Jackson has been an outspoken mental health advocate for many years, and has shared details about her own struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. In a 2017 Rolling Stone interview, she said that she attempted to take her own life when she was just 15 years old, and multiple times before then. "It was just self-hatred, low self-esteem, thinking that I couldn’t do anything right, not thinking I was worthy of living anymore," she told the magazine. Following her last suicide attempt in 2013, she told Rolling Stone in a 2017 interview that she entered a residential therapy program. "It was great for me," she told Rolling Stone. "I’m a completely different person."
Then, last summer, when rumors circulated that Jackson was entering treatment following Demi Lovato's reported overdose, Jackson took to social media to clarify that she was not in treatment at the time. "Umm, no?? i haven't gone to a clinic," she wrote on an Instagram story. "Someone doesn't have to almost die for me to know to be healthy, i've already had friends OD and die. that's enough for me."
Major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Unfortunately, seeking mental health assistance is often stigmatized — but surveys show that those who seek help can lead normal lives and find some relief for their symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Hoping Jackson finds the support she needs soon.
If you are experiencing anxiety and are in need of crisis support, please call the Crisis Call Center’s 24-hour hotline at 1-775-784-8090.
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the Suicide Crisis Line at 1-800-784-2433.

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