It’s been 10 years since Keeping Up With The Kardashians first aired on TV. This week, we examine how the world's most famous family has entertained us, angered us, and made an indisputable impact on our culture.
Kim Kardashian West has been praised for being vocal about her struggle with infertility and pregnancy complications, which has resulted in her reportedly hiring a surrogate to carry her and Kanye West's third baby. Her sister Kylie Jenner, however, may be having the opposite effect. Multiple sources claimed yesterday that the 20-year-old reality star is pregnant with her first child.
According to Lena Dunham, the rumors have left some of her friends feeling like big infertile failures. Or maybe they're just reacting the way Elijah did when he found out Hannah was expecting.
“A solid 10 friends texted me triggered by Kylie pregnancy,” the Girls star tweeted in the wake of the Jenner reports, which have yet to be officially confirmed.
Said friends are presumably trying to conceive themselves, and see Jenner as beating them to the pregnancy punch.
“I’m like, ‘Ladies she’s 20. We were all [very] fertile then, we were just broke,’” Dunham joked. "You know the fertility industrial complex has pushed us too far when we’re trying to stay neck-in-neck [sic] w/ reality stars who can’t drink yet.”
A solid 10 friends texted me triggered by Kylie pregnancy. I'm like "ladies she's 20. We were all v fertile then, we were just broke."
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) September 23, 2017
You know the fertility industrial complex has pushed us too far when we're trying to stay neck in neck w/ reality stars who can't drink yet.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) September 23, 2017
Sure enough, a few female fans began sharing their own personal experiences with infertility.
"Lol I am a little jealous of the 20-year-old," a follower replied to Dunham's tweet. "I'm 37 and it's probably never gonna happen."
Infertility is a serious issue, but comparing ourselves to the Kardashians isn't terribly healthy for anyone. Take Kylie: There aren't many 20-year-old out there with their own reality show, clothing line, and sell-out makeup range. If that security has prompted her to start a family early, so be it.
And if the rest of us need a little extra time, and that time ends up complicating matters, well, that's our journey. It's life, not a competition.
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