Spider-Man's Peter Parker & GoT's Tommen Baratheon Have Some Adorable History

Photo: Sony Pictures.
Spider-Man may be as far from the world of Westeros as it gets, but thanks to the internet and its vast clickholes, there seems to be a tangled web connecting the two worlds.
BuzzFeed reports that Tom Holland, the latest actor to carry the mantle of friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, has a connection to one of Game of Thrones' very own: Tommen Baratheon, aka Dean Chapman.
Back in 2010, when both Chapman and Holland were nothing but wee lads hoping to make it big in the world of entertainment, ITV's Alan Titchmarsh Show featured a segment from the musical version of Billy Elliot. Chapman, along with Fox Jackson-Keen, played the lead role, but eagle-eyed internet sleuths noticed that Holland was playing backup for the vocalist, performing some gravity-defying flips and turns behind the soon-to-be king.
During the rendition of "Electricity," one of the biggest numbers from the Broadway musical, Chapman belts out, "And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird." And that's where Holland comes in with his gymnastics and dance background, performing some pretty sweet flips as Billy's fantasy self. The real treat may be seeing both actors as cute boys having the time of their lives as they perform the number.
It may be a bit different from the power struggles and family dynamics surrounding the Iron Throne — and even the less-dramatic struggles that Spidey deals with in Queens — but the number certainly lets each guys' talents shine. But for anyone unfamiliar with the story of Billy Elliot, it's a tale of self-discovery, so maybe that emotional training managed to play into Holland and Chapman's later roles.
Check out the whole number, flips and vocal runs included, below.
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