Have You Ever Noticed This About The Women In Stock Photos?

Photo: Getty Images.
It’s hard to imagine that the people you find in stock photos are part of our actual material world, rather than a different, separate, stranger world, where the lighting is always a little off and everyone is just fucking smiling all the time, like the perfect town of Spectre in Big Fish. (Which is such an underrated movie, by the way.)
When you start to think about the inner lives of the people who appear in these photos, you might start to feel a little… weird. Sad, even. Was Woman Laughing Alone with Salad orphaned at birth? Does Baby with a Tomato even like tomatoes? And why — why? — is Woman Sleeping always wearing a full face of makeup? Who goes to bed with that much lip gloss on? Forget doing the right thing for your skin — what about your sheets? Your crisp white pillowcases?
To understand what’s going on here, one must go deeper — deeper inside the lives of the women in the stock photos, including Woman Sleeping and Woman Who Was Probably Laughing Alone with Salad Earlier But Is Now Sleeping. You might be surprised by what you’ll learn about life, about love, and about the factors that might bring a woman to commit a beauty act so depraved.

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