Quantico actor Priyanka Chopra has two things to brag about tonight. Not only did she take home a People's Choice Award for Favorite Dramatic TV Actress, she also tricked pretty much everyone with her outfit. At first glance, Chopra's ensemble looked like a pretty, fringed cocktail dress. Upon closer inspection, however, the Sally LaPointe creation was actually a high-fashion take on the matching set.
Unlike the versions favored by Taylor Swift and other celebs last summer, Chopra's combo is a more dressed-up take. What appears to be a bodice is actually a flowing, strapless high-low top. That's paired with a fringe-embellished midi-skirt in a matching hue. The optical illusion was strong from the back, but when Chopra moved down the red carpet and the peach fringe swayed with her every step, it became evident that she was, in fact, wearing separates.
Chopra paired the trompe l'oeil stunner with jewelry from Nirav Modi and metallic Schutz heels for a look that's equal parts polished and party-ready. While there isn't an official People's Choice Award for Best Dressed, we think Chopra would win by a landslide.