1. "I'm not perfect" = you're expectations I behave like a human being are unreasonable pic.twitter.com/Tzh26Bohwk
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
2. "I've never pretended to be someone I'm not" = you fell in love with me so it's your fault pic.twitter.com/ans0HG5bhV
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
3. "this more than decade old video" = it was a long time ago, why the fuss? you're so unreasonable. pic.twitter.com/wFQyTOAo7S
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
4. "these words do not reflect who I am" = the reality you just experienced didn't actually happen (gaslighting) pic.twitter.com/8nuT9d9Hl6
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
5. "I said it...I apologize" = get over it already, I *said* I'm sorry, you're being hysterical pic.twitter.com/mZ5dwpAnbd
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
6. "I've...my...me...I...I've...me...I...I..." = it's all about me; your needs, feelings, existence don't matter pic.twitter.com/ZfvcdRlXch
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
7. "grieving mothers...laid off workers..." = what are you complaining about? you have it good compared to others pic.twitter.com/HqgJ2zdWy9
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
8. "I pledge to be a better man tomorrow & will never let you down" = I'm sorry I hit you, it'll never happen again pic.twitter.com/8YHNpl7DMO
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
9. "Let's be honest" = you're not being honest pic.twitter.com/OIMVutn0mx
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
10. "We're living in the real world" = I'm sane and you're crazy pic.twitter.com/1FKhc8Ekq6
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
11. "This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues" = see what you did?! this is all your fault! pic.twitter.com/QTZy0VIJK6
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
12. "we are less safe...Hillary..." = if you only held up your end of the relationship, I wouldn't have to hurt you pic.twitter.com/xr4zsK2b7w
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
13. "I've said some foolish things, but..." = you're being hysterical over nothing again, you're so crazy pic.twitter.com/n49aGoUJaI
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
14. "actually abused" = the abuse you experienced wasn't *really* abuse pic.twitter.com/rslMQ6sPm6
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
15. "We will discuss this more...See you...on Sunday" = I'm in control here, not you (with menacing implied threat) pic.twitter.com/MkpLTllNwy
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016
Trump ends his statement of "apology" for bragging about sexually assaulting women w a promise to attack yet another woman more viciously.
— ? (@leahmcelrath) October 8, 2016