The Most Aggressive Tweets About Yeezy Season 4

Photo: James Devaney/Getty Images.
Last night's Yeezy Season 4 show was a true exercise in struggle for all parties involved. Kanye West made attendees wait nearly two hours before the actual runway show began. That was compounded by extensive time spent getting to the venue on Roosevelt Island via the provided bus (and then, to get into the venue). Of course, the people who suffered most of all were the models, subjected to hours of direct sunlight on a steamy day. And then, there were the actual clothes that everyone waited the length of a feature film to see. (The whole experience took five hours in total.) There was plenty to complain about, to be sure. But don't take it from us. Aggrieved people took to Twitter to let loose about the latest installment of Yeezy. Without further ado, check out some of the best reactions to the latest NYFW, err, situation brought to you by 'Ye.

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