6 Times Beyoncé Sang About Infidelity Before Lemonade

Jay Z's alleged infidelity has clearly been one of the biggest trending topics of the week, thanks to Beyoncé’s highly lauded Lemonade album. The public’s perception of Jay Z and Beyoncé as the barometer for successful Hollywood couples was quickly shattered by the post-Met Gala elevator brawl in 2014, when Bey's little sister Solange was rumored to be furious over the rapper’s indiscretions. Whispers of Rachel Roy’s involvement in the tussle were, at the time, reserved for a few industry insiders privileged enough to have an inside scoop.
What’s surprising is that it was Beyoncé herself who blew the lid off this much-discussed secret, revealing that she, too, is susceptible to marriage woes. Here was a perceived superhuman handing us a magnifying glass to observe the stains in her seemingly perfect relationship. Bey’s bravery in unleashing these skeletons has been shocking to many — except to those who've been paying attention to her lyrics over the last few albums. The former Destiny’s Child frontwoman has been dropping hints about her hubby’s betrayal for quite some time now.
Allow us to highlight a few pre-Lemonade songs from Beyoncé's repertoire. She's been hinting all along about the complexities of being "crazy in love."

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