This story was originally published on April 9.
Update: A second woman, musician Jean Deaux, has posted her own allegations against Connor on Tumblr. In her post, Deaux writes that she is one of the women who made statements in Malika Anderson’s charges against Connor, but that she declined to report her own case.
Swear This Is My Karma For Finessing Every Bitch I Came Across Just To Mentally Prove A Point.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
Lmao The Universe Is Paying Me Back.
But I Have Honesty On My Side, So I'm Literally Laughing At Whatever Life Throws At Me.
— Ian Connor (@souljaian) April 8, 2016
@TheAffinityMag #IStandWithMalika because..
— paulinecstasy (@paulinecstasy) April 9, 2016
#IStandWithMalika @freakalika . Fuck anybody trying to deny her story, mfs have no clue the type of courage it took her to speak up
— Jahus Christ (@NersaBackstrom) April 9, 2016
My only question to you is how could 5'5, 120 pound Ian Connor even be physically capable of raping someone?
— gage (@p0tatopapi) April 9, 2016
I'm out .
— #TheLordOfRage (@OGMaco) April 8, 2016
Y'all tryna Bill Cosby ,Young Ian.
I give up.
ian conner is a predator and rapist. you don't have to believe her and I'm not going to go into details of my encounter with him..
— emani. (@emanithegoddess) April 9, 2016