Why Did James Franco Get A Tattoo Of Emma Watson On His Neck?

I ❤️ Hermoine. Ink by @indiangiver

A photo posted by James Franco (@jamesfrancotv) on

James Franco is still a living piece of art, but now, his skin is the canvas and Emma Watson is the subject. Is this for real? Since that's a question we ask about pretty much everything Franco does at this point, a deeper dig is obviously in order. Franco posted a photo of himself sporting a huge new neck tattoo of the actress in profile, with her name written in script underneath. What's the caption, you ask? "I heart Hermoine" — plus a credit to artist Cheyenne Randall. Randall, who specializes in Photoshopped tattoos, has given the face, sleeve, and full-body treatment to iconic photos of Marlon Brando, Wonder Woman, and Elvis Presley, among others. He describes this exhibit on his website as "an ongoing body of work showcasing iconic figures, past and present, digitally tattooed in the American Traditional style." So, maybe Franco doesn't really have Watson on his neck forever — but he does now have his admiration memorialized forever in art. We can't wait to hear what Watson thinks about this.

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