Lena Dunham Just Won #WokeUpLikeThis

Lena Dunham deserves our gratitude this morning. She deserves our applause, our mic drops, and our high fives. Why, you may ask? Because Lena Dunham posted what may be the first ever #WokeUpLikeThis selfie that isn't complete bullshit. Minutes after waking, she pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of herself in all of her rumpled-hair-smeared-eyeliner glory. There is even the hint of a pillow mark on her face. Brilliant.
We've all been where Lena is at this very second. Sometimes, we don't take off all of our makeup. Sometimes we collapse into bed with a cold slice of pizza, Bob's Burgers, and red lipstick, only to wake up with crimson smears all over our pillows, stale crust in hand. And, unlike the other #WokeUpLikeThis selfies that always come off as the the ultimate humble brag, Lena is telling it like it is. She also claims that her morning look has nothing to do with a hangover — which is doubly gratifying.
So, the next time you scroll through your Instagram and come across a #WokeUpLikeThis selfie where the subject just happens to have stumbled into some amazing lighting, think to yourself: Lena Dunham is out there waking up like the rest of us. And, regardless of what Queen Bey says, it ain't always #flawless. You go, girl.

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