Just when Clarisonic obsessives thought their wonder brush couldn't get any better, the company has upped the ante in a big way. WWD is reporting that, beginning May 15, Clarisonic will roll out a brand-new version of its tool, called Smart Profile. And, it's apparently going to change the way we wash our faces.
But, what makes Smart Profile so darn intelligent? Instead of housing the company's microchip (which all seven of the Clarisonic's existing models already have) in the handle, Smart Profile will have the chip in the actual brush head. This will help the brush head do its job better by tailoring its techniques to each person's skin. So, basically, the more you use your brush head, the more it will adapt itself to fit your needs. This new-and-improved Clarisonic will also let you know exactly when the brush head should be changed, along with a whole host of other user-friendly upgrades. Yep, the machines are getting smarter.
There are just too many The Twilight Zone technology jokes to make here, but we've got to say, we can't imagine our beloved Clarisonic doing its job any better, so this update is definitely intriguing. We do wonder, though, if the sensors will help address some of the issues many readers have complained about with the Clarisonic over-exfoliating their skin. Will the chip help us to know when enough is enough? That's an innovation we'd really like to see.
Thursday, May 15 is the day that Clarisonic will release its products to dermatologists, but mass consumers won't be able to get a taste until early 2015 (at $265 a pop). But, a Clarisonic that is basically tailor-made for each individual consumer? We're guessing people will break the piggy bank for these guys. (WWD)
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