So, you're sitting there asking yourself why LinkedIn just isn't doing it for you. We mean, the thing's supposed to help you get a job, right? And, yet, there you are, waiting for it to give you something...anything.
Actually, that's 99% of your problem right there. LinkedIn, for all its many upsides, is not geared for the passive user. This isn't Facebook, you know. No, just like everything else involving a job search, the social-networking business platform rewards the active and the bold. So, what exactly haven't you been doing to get the most out of it? Well, frankly, we didn't even know until our friends at Business Insider straightened us out with its list of 11 LinkedIn must-dos.
The tips run from the fairly obvious (follow your favorite influencers in Pulse) to the gosh-we'd-never-even-think-of-that game changer (create a custom URL for your page). In all, they seem to whip the big, bucking beast that is LinkedIn into shape so that it actually brings you results.
Click on over to Business Insider now for its full tutorial and spend the rest of the day hacking your account accordingly. Just don't let your boss see ya! (Business Insider)