Whether your idea of a psychic is Professor Marvel from the Wizard of Oz or the women who promise $10 readings on the sidewalks, you likely have a preconceived notion of what to expect from your fortune teller. Betsy Cohen, a Brooklyn psychic, explodes the stereotypes of both the peripheral psychic accessories (crystal balls, anyone?) and the nature of the job itself.
Following a head trauma, Cohen found she was able to communicate with the deceased. For a while, she even counseled families of homicide victims, offering closure to the grieving. However, her services are different from those ubiquitously advertised throughout the city. Cohen encourages her clients to channel their higher selves and guiding principles, rather than offering vague statements or guiding decisions. Citing the New Yorker's overwhelming need for certainty, Cohen responds, "There is a certainty, and the certainty is you" — no talismans required.
Cohen often begins her sessions by calling out specific, recent issues in her clients' lives, with no prior information. And The Aesthete's account of a storm that began and ended with a seance performed with Cohen gave us real goosebumps. Check out the full story. It's sure to get you into the Halloween sprit. (The Aesthete)